Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Can the iPad Rescue a Struggling American Education System?

Can the iPad Rescue a Struggling American Education System?: Across the United States, teachers are using iPad and other tablets to reinvent the presentation and management of educational material. According to
a report in Wired magazine, “tablets’ simplicity, ease of use and the massive range of academically minded applications available are drawing teachers and educational technologists to the platform in droves.” iPad is leading this charge, as “the most popular tablet among educators,” and “Apple’s iTunes U is one tool making iPad-based course integration easier by helping teachers create and curate a wholly digital curriculum.”


1 comment:

  1. NO! Android tablets with microSD slots have a better chance.

    But what to load on them?

    Omnilingual (Feb 1957) by H. Beam Piper

    Badge of Infamy (Jun 1957) by Lester del Rey

    1957 was the year of Sputnik, but it was launched in October. Both of these stories were published before the Sputnik launch. It was not until 1958 that the van Allen belts were discovered and 1965 that a probe sent to Mars discovered that the planet had no magnetic field and only one percent of Earth's atmospheric pressure. So this information changed our thinking about the chances of life developing on the planet and Mars stories from before 1965 would most likely have significant inaccuracies. But these are both decent and interesting stories nonetheless.

