Sunday, March 31, 2013

AutoCAD 2014 in two minutes

AutoCAD 2014 in two minutes:

Autodesk announced the new line of 2014 branded products this week. Since 2008, CAD Panacea has brought you a quick summary of the new AutoCAD features and here is the rundown for AutoCAD 2014.


  • The DWG file format remains the same (AutoCAD 2013) for AutoCAD 2014. As in previous versions, you can still save drawings down to versions as old as R14 DWG and R12 DXF.

  • AutoCAD 2014 for Windows is supported on Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8. No word on the availability of AutoCAD 2014 for Mac.
User Interface
Just when you thought the Command Line was at its maximum usefulness, more features are added.

  • The command line now includes an AutoCorrect feature. If you type in LNIE, the LINE command will run instead of returning "unknown command". There is a new file (AutoCorrectUserDB.pgp) used to store user defined entries.

  • The Command line tool AutoComplete now has the option to perform mid string searches. You can actually do this in 2013 by using wildcards (i.e. *LINE*), but now you can turn this on so you don't have to use wildcards.

  • The Command line can now adapt to your personal command usage and tailor suggestions based on your habits.

  • The Command line can now also perform synonym suggestions. For example, if you enter BUBBLE, a suggestion to use the MLEADER command will appear, or maybe you enter CURVE to get to the SPLINE command. There is a new file (AcadSynonymsGlobalDB.pgp) used to store these synonyms.

  • The Command line includes a way to search the Internet for more information on a command. When the item pops up, click the globe icon to launch a Google search for the item.

  • The two new PGP files mentioned earlier are accessible for editing from the Ribbon.

  • If you type in the name of a existing BLOCK definition in the drawing, you can insert it directly, essentially running the INSERT command for the selected block.

  • Lastly, there is a comprehensive dialog where you can control all these new Command line options.

  • File Tabs has FINALLY been added to the core product. Users have been asking for this since AutoCAD went to MDI in 1999. They tried to pacify us with "Quick View Drawings" and "Quick View Layouts", but thankfully they finally listed to the users and added the FILE TABS! File Tabs let you switch drawings by clicking tabs. Most MDI applications use this same GUI element, so you should not have any problem figuring this out. Turn this on using a button on the View tab of the Ribbon. Tabs can be moved using the mouse to change their order, and hovering over a tab will show you a preview of the Model and Layout tabs.

  • More layers are shown in the Layer drop down in the Ribbon.

  • Layer name sorting of numerical characters is now down based on the numerical value. For example "1, 3, 30, 40, 5, 9" will sort as "1, 3, 5, 9, 30, 40"

  • You can now perform a layer merge from inside the Layer Manager. Select a layer, right-click and choose Merge. Then select the target layer from a dialog. (Interestingly enough, they forgot to apply the new sorting mentioned above to this dialog.)

  • Xref linetypes are now omitted from most linetype lists and Xref layers are omitted from the Properties dialog.

  • You can now change the attachment type of multiple Xrefs from [Attach] to [Overlay] and vice-versa.

  • You can now change the path type of multiple Xrefs among the choices of Absolute, Relative, and None.
Object Creation and Modification

  • Support for Geographic locations has been significantly enhanced. It includes the same Coordinate System Library as AutoCAD Map 3D. Now you can more accuratly set a location for your drawing to assist when importing geolocated data. You can set the location of your drawing using Autodesk Live Maps or by selecting a KML or KMZ file. Use of the Autodesk Live Maps requires you be logged into your Autodesk 360 account. You can sign up for free if you do not have one.

  • .RCP and .RCS files (file formats created by the new Autodesk Recap application) are now supported when importing a point cloud.

  • DIMCONTINUEMODE is a new system variable that affects creation of continued and baseline dimensions. If DIMCONTINUEMODE = 1, DIMCONTINUE and DIMBASELINE create dimensions using the style of the selected dimension. If If DIMCONTINUEMODE = 0, the new dimensions are created based on the current dimension style.

  • Two ends of the same polyline can now be filleted together creating a closed polyline.

  • Draw arcs in either direction using the CTRL key for control.

  • The Text command remembers the last justification used until you change it.

  • Design Feed is a new service that allows you to enter text messages and attach images to be shared online with partners and clients using Autodesk 360. The messages you enter appear with their related drawings on the desktop, web, and across mobile devices.

  • Several Autodesk Exchange apps are included by default. The Featured Apps tab provides direct access to Exchange where you can browse, download, and install other Exchange apps.

More information on AutoCAD 2014 including many other articles on what's new, the Suites, and other Autodesk 2014 products can be found on Shaan Hurley's Between the Lines blog
You can download your free trial today at


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