Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Long Reach of Oracle's Larry Ellison

The Long Reach of Oracle's Larry Ellison: "

If it ever seems like Oracle CEO Larry Ellison is everywhere, it’s not entirely your imagination. He’s a busy man. Aside from running Oracle, winning the Amerca’s Cup and having fun with being compared to the fictitious billionaire Tony Stark from the Iron Man movies, he’s had an indelible effect on the software industry, not just with Oracle the $36 billion software giant, but with other companies he’s had both direct and indirect hands in.

The two most obvious examples are NetSuite, where Ellison was a founding investor, and where CEO Marc Benioff is an Oracle alum, and where, come to think of it, Ellison was a founding investor too. But when you start considering the numerous Oracle alumni who have gone on to other things, Ellison’s reach becomes longer still.

The graphic below comes from the folks at Software Advice and aims to illustrate through via these numerous connections, the impact that Ellison and Oracle have had throughout the tech and software industry.

The top half represents independent companies where former Oracle execs either run the show or are in senior roles while the bottom half shows companies that Oracle has acquired — and let’s admit there have been a lot of them — where Oracle alumni in senior roles have found themselves re-integrated back into the mother ship.

While I can’t help but think the graphic is incomplete — it sure seems like there must be other companies that could be on it — it sure is interesting to look at.


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