Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Your Comments

Your Comments:
And we’re back with our thirty-fifth installment of Your Comments. Here are our favorites from the past week, from Makezine, our Facebook page, and Twitter.

In response to Jog Wheel From VCR Head, Dino Segovis (@MakerDino) says:

This is the kind of hack that’s like your favorite sandwhich! Well done!

In the piece Explore The Airwaves With Weekend Projects, craig remarks:

Having built many crystal radios myself, I found how well SOME amplified computer speakers work in place of the weak, quiet and often hard-to-obtain crystal earphone. I have a favorite hand-wound variometer crystal radio and amped speakers that I use for workshop listening. Even Dennis Miller can sound good on a warm mellow crystal set, ha de cha-cha.

In response to The Pit Of Despair, user Marty says:

You know, there’s actually a really simple solution for too much demand, even when you can’t get a collaboration: Raise the price. This has the added bonus that if you still get tons of orders, you can afford to make it your day job.

In the piece The Bugle Sounds On Maker Camp, Allison wonders:

Do you ever plan on having a real Make sleep-away camp?

In the article Windshield Wiper Motor Mods, user rocketguy1701 writes:

I got two of the monsterguts wiper motors, looking forward to putting them into a robot to cruise the neighborhood with. I’m hoping to figure out an easy way to adapt the shafts to a gear. Well, there’s always JB weld…

Like these comments? Be sure to sound off in the comments! You could be in next week’s column.


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