Monday, July 2, 2012

Survey hints at paying for a premium AutoCAD WS

Survey hints at paying for a premium AutoCAD WS:
Autodesk this week asked AutoCAD WS users to answer questions in an online survey.
As matter of course, I ignore requests to fill out surveys (does anyone actually offer their comments on "Web site experience" surveys?), even those that provide a lure, like winning an iPad (I know I won't win it, and neither will you). But perusing surveys of CAD vendors can provide hints of things to come, if not biases in their current thinking.
Both were on display in the AutoCAD WS survey -- in addition to the usual mundane queries, like how many people in your company?
Here is the Inherent Bias Question:
11. How do you mainly share your drawings with others to review and edit designs?
  • AutoCAD Sheet Sets
  • Printed drawings
  • Other CAD data management application
  • AutoCAD WS
  • Shared folder in your company network
  • I don't share my drawings
  • Cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, etc.)
Notice what's missing from the list? The most-used method to share files, email.
Missing from the list of cloud storage brand names: Autodesk 360.
And what's with the wording of the "other CAD data management application" item? I get the feeling Autodesk Vault got left out, perhaps by accident.
I suppose the inclusion of sheet sets was to see if this AutoCAD function should be included in WS.
And then the Interesting Question -- or, perhaps the $64,000 Question:
12. Would you be interested in paying for a premium version of AutoCAD WS with advanced features?
The question is impossible to answer, because (a) we don't know what the cost will be, and (b) we don't know what the advanced features will be (sheet set support?).
Having seeded the cloud market with free software, Autodesk is now looking to customers to monetize its "biggest platform change in the history of the company."


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