Friday, February 8, 2013

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja Released

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja Released:

Happy news! My book, Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja is finally in stock on Amazon! It’s been available on for over a month now but I think Amazon has been struggling to keep the books consistently in stock.
You can get an ePub or Kindle version of the book at
I’ve written about the writing process for this book previously (and why it’s taken so long to get out). I especially want to thank my co-author Bear Bibeault who worked hard to get this book out the door.
One question that I’ve been asked recently: “How relevant is this book to writing JavaScript in 2012?” I think it’s still exceedingly relevant. This book has two major focuses:
  1. Teaching aspects of the JavaScript language that are under-served or poorly explained. (For example I’ve been getting a number of messages from people saying how much they appreciated the explanation of closures in the book and that it finally helped them to understand that feature of the language.)
  2. Helping people understand the internal workings of cross-browser DOM-centric JavaScript libraries (such as jQuery). Considering how popular jQuery is (64% of the top 10,000 web sites use jQuery) and, relatively, how few people truly understand what the library does or is trying to do – there is still a huge market for people to learn what exactly jQuery is and how it works.
I’m really happy that this book is finally out and to celebrate I’ve been trying to blog more (as you may have noticed). Are there any particular topics that you’d like me to write about? Let me know!


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