Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to hint

How to hint:
Here’s a live example demonstrating a point I’ve often made – you have to be very detailed in your hinting or Oracle will find a way to obey your hints and do the wrong thing.  A recent posting on the OTN database forum gave use the following query and execution plan:

| Id  | Operation                            | Name       | Starts | Cost (%CPU)| Pstart| Pstop | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |Reads  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                     |            |      1 |  3196 (100)|       |       |    134 |00:00:13.85 |    3195 |  2136 |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY                       |            |      1 |  3196   (1)|       |       |    134 |00:00:13.85 |    3195 |  2136 |
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS                       |            |      1 |            |       |       |    134 |00:00:13.85 |    3195 |  2136 |
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                      |            |      1 |  3195   (1)|       |       |   1059 |00:00:07.77 |    2138 |  1197 |
|*  4 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN                 | TEST1      |      1 |    30   (0)|       |       |   1059 |00:00:00.07 |      11 |    11 |
|   5 |     PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR         |            |   1059 |     1   (0)|   KEY |   KEY |   1059 |00:00:07.69 |    2127 |  1186 |
|*  6 |      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN               | D1T400P0   |   1059 |     1   (0)|   KEY |   KEY |   1059 |00:00:07.67 |    2127 |  1186 |
|*  7 |    TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID| D1_DVC_EVT |   1059 |     2   (0)| ROWID | ROWID |    134 |00:00:06.08 |    1057 |   939 |

You’ll notice that something close to half the time spent came from the table access in line 7 (This is 11g, and we have a plan which shows the “double nested loop” of an index access followed by a table access – for each rowid returned in line 3 (totalling 7.77 seconds) we access the table through the nested loop driven by line 2 which totals 13.85 seconds).
After a little chat, the suggestion arose to introduce an index that avoided the table access – it’s doing a fairly large amount of random I/O, and we might be able to run the query roughly twice as fast if we didn’t visit it. So the DBA set up a suitable test index (called test2) on the D1_DVC_EVT table, and found that the optimizer didn’t use it (perhaps because the index was larger then the alternative, perhaps because the clustering_factor was much bigger) – so he added a hint to the code: /*+ index (e test2) */ which made Oracle use the index to produce the following plan:
| Id  | Operation                   | Name  | Starts | Cost (%CPU)| Pstart| Pstop | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers | Reads  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |       |      1 | 98415 (100)|       |       |    134 |00:04:11.82 |     100K|  96848 |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY              |       |      1 | 98415   (1)|       |       |    134 |00:04:11.82 |     100K|  96848 |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN                 |       |      1 | 98414   (1)|       |       |    134 |00:04:11.82 |     100K|  96848 |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN         | TEST1 |      1 |    30   (0)|       |       |   1059 |00:00:00.01 |      11 |      0 |
|   4 |    PARTITION RANGE ALL      |       |      1 | 98249   (1)|1048575|     1 |   7566K|00:03:34.58 |     100K|  96848 |
|   5 |     PARTITION RANGE SUBQUERY|       |    287 | 98249   (1)|KEY(SQ)|KEY(SQ)|   7566K|00:03:10.87 |     100K|  96848 |
|*  6 |      INDEX FULL SCAN        | TEST2 |   2296 | 98249   (1)|1048575|     1 |   7566K|00:02:45.47 |   97412 |  96848 |
Unfortunately, although Oracle obeyed the hint – it had to, since it was legal and in-context – it didn’t take the path the DBA expected.
When you hint, you have to make it impossible for Oracle find any path you don’t want, and that can take a lot of hints. In this case the DBA simply wanted to use the same nested loop path that he’d originally seen, but using the new index instead. To get the path safely he needed at least 4 hints: one to specify the join order, one to specify the join method, and one for each table to specify the access method. In this case:
        leading(ero e)
        use_nl(ero e)
        index(ero test1)
        index(e test2)
Once you’ve hinted some SQL and got it working the safe thing to do, in 11g, is to check the outline section of the actual execution plan to see if you’ve missed any important hints and then, if you can’t change the production code, attach the SQL Baseline from your hinted code to the SQL text from the original. (See – for example: )
It’s hard to create a full set of hints by hand – and I often see hinted SQL in production systems where the plan that appears happens to be the right one but it’s not the only plan that could be derived from the hints. So my 11g mantra for hinting is this: if you can hint it, baseline it”.


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