Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Troubleshooting Performance Diagrams

Troubleshooting Performance Diagrams:

Last year, when I was speaking about MySQL performance at Devconf in Moscow, I expected my audience will be very experienced as this always happen at all PHPClub conferences. So I had to choose: either make full-day seminar and explain people every basic of performance, or rely on their knowledge and make some one and half hours seminar. I prefer short speeches, so I considered latter.

But even with such a mature audience you don't always know if they knew some or another basic thing. Like somebody can be good analyzing EXPLAIN output and other is in reading InnoDB Monitor printout. Also, native language of the audience is not English and it would be always good to have short reference to simple things, described in their native language. In this case Russian. This is why I created these slides first time.

I was in doubt if I need to translate them to English, because information there repeats the official MySQL user reference manual in many aspects. Although diagrams still can be useful for English-speaking audience. So I did not translate those slides in first turn.

Time passed and in few days I am speaking about MySQL Troubleshooting at Fosdem. This is 30-minustes talk this time! And I just created slides and content for 8-hours Oracle University training! Can I zip this 8-hours training into 30-minutes talk? Of course, not. But I also want to give users as much in these 30 minutes as possible. So idea with add-ons came back.

You can download them in PDF format either from my own website or from slideshare.

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