Thursday, November 1, 2012

Make an emulator gaming cabinet with your $35 Raspberry Pi

Make an emulator gaming cabinet with your $35 Raspberry Pi:

The company making the Picades, Pimoroni

The tiny, wildly popular $35 Raspberry Pi Linux computer may become a player in the game emulation world. A new Kickstarter project, launched on Tuesday, aims to create kits that will use the ARM devices to power little gaming cabinets: the Picade and Picade Mini.
The tiny arcade cabinets will come in kit form for backers to assemble and will include an LCD panel, an arcade stick, buttons, an amplifier, speakers, components, and cables; only the Raspberry Pi itself is not included. The larger Picade will have a screen four inches bigger than the Picade Mini (12 to 13 inches to the Mini's 8 to 10 inches) and will have two extra arcade buttons.
The company creating the Picades, Pimoroni, promises to include "any software [it] can LEGALLY supply in terms of emulators and drivers for the Raspberry Pi." Backers will be on their own for everything else, including ROMs.
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