Sunday, September 2, 2012

open_source_flash_projects - [Command Line Tools, Compilers, etc.]

open_source_flash_projects - [Command Line Tools, Compilers, etc.]:
@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@
* [[|xml2swf]] - C program that converts xml to swf. Builds on Linux/Posix or Windows (using mingw and msys) systems.
* [[|libswf]] - C++ code to generate SWF files from scratch. According to Sourceforge, code is cross-platform. Was able to get it to compile on Windows with mingw.
* [[|Flexcover]] - A modified Flex SDK version that instruments code for live measurement of code coverage during execution, including an AIR viewer for statistics and annotated source code. Saves XML reports for fully automated coverage testing.
* [[flvlib]] - Python library for dealing with FLV files
+ * [[|FlashPascal]] - A free Pascal compiler for Flash.

===== Eclipse and Plug-ins =====

* [[Eclipse]] - The IDE platform


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