Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Question Of The Day: Have You Ever Messed Up… An Oil Change?

Question Of The Day: Have You Ever Messed Up… An Oil Change?:

I missed.
The oil drain container was placed right below the drain plug. Everything seemed to be fine.
I did a little left loosey. Got the drain plug off. A brief torrent of black fluid followed the nearest path of escape.
Straight to the floor of my driveway.

It seemed like I was getting it all. But thanks to a slight hill, about a quarter of it was spilling off to the side and onto the pavement.
I didn’t even notice the spill until it had crept out of the shadow underneath my car and onto plain sight. It reminded me of the old 1950′s move, “The Blob”. Except the mad scientist of the moment was nothing more than a young guy who apparently could not aim at anything right between his eyes. .
A rush under the car. A quick move six inches to the rear, and all was fine again. Except now I would have to use a few rags to dry off the spillage on the container and a long trip to the parts store to buy a heaping load of absorbent.
It took multiple doses of the stuff and a power washer from a neighbor to finally undue the damage. Thankfully, I learned my lesson and moved forward with continuing degrees of self-reliance.
But what about you? Were you ever involved or directly associated with an oil change that went the way of an old Three Stooges sketch? Feel free to include any botched repair if the world of oil has always been good to you. It’s Monday.. let’s enjoy a story.
Editor’s Note: I can be reached at steve . lang @ thetruthaboutcars. com (no spaces) . 


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