Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Best of JavaScript, HTML5 & CSS3 - Week of July 23, 2012

Best of JavaScript, HTML5 & CSS3 - Week of July 23, 2012:
This week features a large number of core, framework-less HTML5, CSS and JavaScript tutorials. Some highlights include the JavaScript design patterns articles from both Joe Zim and Tilo Mitra. The few framework related articles focused on either RequireJS or Backbone. Another highlight is the release of Brackets sprint 11 on Github.
Joe Zim completes his JavaScript design patterns series covering proxy, observer and command patterns.

JavaScript design patterns – Part 3: Proxy, observer, and command
A good overview of how to implement a number of design patterns in JavaScript by Tilo Mitra.

Understanding Design Patterns in JavaScript
Mary Lou shows how to create some attractive looking blockquote styles with HTML and CSS3.

Modern Block Quote Styles
Sean Middleditch shows to build a system for downloading and caching a large amount of resources for an HTML5 game.

Case Study: SONAR, HTML5 Game Development
The ability to drag and drop a folder onto Chrome is now available. Here's the JavaScript code to use this feature.

Drag and drop a folder onto Chrome now available
David Walsh shows how to recreate the CSS 3D map folding animation from Google Plus.

CSS 3D Folding Animation
Some really useful tricks for JavaScript development by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer that involve using the apply method with arrays.

Apply and arrays: three tricks
Alex Young posts an excellent beginner's lesson on understanding scope in JavaScript.

JS101: A Brief Lesson on Scope
A cool demo and tutorial by Johnny Simpson on creating a 3D rotating menu with CSS3 3D transforms.

Creating a 3D Rotating Menu with CSS3
I begin my learning journey through all the HTML5 and CSS3 features with an in-depth look at HTML5 Parsing.

Getting HTML5 Ready - HTML5 Parsing
Christian Cantrell demonstrates how CSS Regions are useful for more than just creating columns.

CSS Regions Aren't Just For Columns
A look at the HTML5 track element for adding video captioning or subtitles.

What's new in HTML5: The Track Element
A nice overview of the details and summary elements in HTML5 by Tom Leadbetter.

The details and summary elements
Frameworks and Libraries
Alex Young continues his Backbone.js Hacker's Guide by taking a look inside the Backbone.Collection.

Backbone.js: Hacker's Guide Part 2
An interesting look by Ben Nadel at lazy loading rarely used RequireJS modules when they are requested.

Lazy Loading RequireJS Modules When They Are First Requested
Florian Störkle walks through how he refactored an existing JavaScript application to use Backbone.

Step by step from jQuery to Backbone
A nice introduction to RequireJS by Jack Franklin.

Introduction to RequireJS
Nice post by Holly Schinsky about using AppLaud Eclipse plugin to speed up PhoneGap development for Android.

Fast PhoneGap Development for Android with AppLaud
Piotr Walczyszyn shows how to get started with PhoneGap 2.0 on iOS and Android.

PhoneGap 2.0 – Getting Started
New and Updated Frameworks and Libraries
Mason Wendell released Breakpoint 1.0 which is designed to make writing media queries in Sass easier.

Breakpoint 1.0
Lea Verou released an update to her -prefix-free project that lets you use unprefixed CSS properties everywhere.

Important -prefix-free update
Get the details on the Brackets Sprint 11 Build which includes the first code hinting feature and a number of community contributions.

Brackets Sprint 11 Build
eRouter is a project by Ervin Kosch to dynamically load JavaScript and CSS based on URL.

A cool animated ribbon that can be pulled down to reveal a curtain containing additional content by Hakim El Hattab.

A good interview with Adam Lehman about Adobe Brackets by Tim Anderson.

Adobe Brackets: a different type of HTML and JavaScript code editor. Interview with Adobe's Adam Lehman.
Classes were accepted as part of ECMAScript.next and Dr. Axel Rauschmayer explains how they will work.

ECMAScript.next: classes


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