Monday, July 9, 2012

BitTorrent Torque, JavaScript Interface to a torrent client

BitTorrent Torque, JavaScript Interface to a torrent client:
BitTorrent is without doubt the most popular file sharing solution on today’s Internet. While other file sharing solutions like Napster, Kazaa, Gnutella or eDonkey were either sued into oblivion, discontinued or turned into a commercial offering, BitTorrent thrived thanks to it not being dependent on a single website, service, tracker or software.
Up until now, a BitTorrent client like uTorrent was needed to download and share files. The situation has become a bit better in recent times with web browsers like Opera implementing the torrent technology into the browser to make it more comfortable for users to download files.
Yesterday BitTorrent  Inc. announced the alpha release of BitTorrent Torque, a JavaScript interface to a torrent client that gives web developers the opportunity to go beyond traditional desktop clients.

Btapp.js provides access to a browser plugin version of uTorrent/BitTorrent via a tree of Backbone Models and Collections. The intent of this project is to allow access to the extensive functionality of a torrent client, from web apps that are as simple as a single Backbone View. Btapp.js takes responsibility for getting the plugin installed as well, so you’re free to assume that its available. In addition to the local torrent client, you can also easily access a torrent client anywhere else in the world (assume you either configured it originally or have access to that client’s username/password).

The company has released two demonstration applications:

  • One Click is a Chrome plugin that turns torrents into regular browser downloads. For the user on the frontend, it looks like another download in the browser.

  • Paddle Over is a web app that allows you to share torrent files with other users directly on the project website. This is also powered by a browser plugin that needs to be installed.

bittorrent torque
The Torque Labs website highlights several other tech demos, including the streaming of video torrents directly in the browser or direct sharable links to files on the PC.
Developers find information, including an introduction and getting started guide, here.
Browser plugins need to be installed to get the tech demos to work. The One click app for instance is only available for Chrome, and appears to require a local executable to be loaded as well to work at all. A few questions are left unanswered right now as well.
One of the foundations of Bittorrent is that downloaders are giving back to the community by seeding the files during downloads and afterwards. How will this be handled if users start downloading via a web browser and Torque? Also, will there be options to control and manage the downloads? For instance, can you modify the download or upload speeds (assuming that you are seeding while downloading)?


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