Monday, July 9, 2012

The 10 Most Important Numbers In The World

The 10 Most Important Numbers In The World:
math da vinci
The discoveries of certain constant numbers have pushed the world forward as much as the the light bulb or the assembly line.
These constants have led to bridges being built, finances being accounted for, and th completion of many other significant and necessary tasks throughout history.
There are many important numbers that have made this world what it currently is.  But the following 10 are the most important numbers, or constants, in the entire world.

Archimedes' Constant (Pi): 3.1415...

Archimedes' constant, or "Pi," is the name given to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter, but it's actually so much more than that.
Greek mathematician Archimedes is credited with the first theoretical calculation of Pi, which he estimated was between 3 10/71 and 3 1/7 — or 223/71.
Pi is now defined as 3.1415926535... etc
Application: Pi is the key constant in any equation that involves circular or harmonic motion. It's one of the most essential relationships in mathematics.

Euler's Number (e): 2.7182...

Euler's number is also known as the exponential growth constant. It is the base for natural logarithms and is found in many areas of mathematics.
Application: In finance, Euler's number is used to determine compound interest, which is extremely vital in understanding the time value of money — the backbone of finance.
Moreover, Euler's number is crucial when describing any decaying relationship - think Carbon 14 dating.
Source: Math Is Fun

The Golden Ratio: 1.6180...

The golden ratio is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in geometric figures.
Application: The golden ratio is often used in financial technical analysis to attempt to determine when a market will continue its path or reverse.
It's also observed very frequently in nature, especially in the way that some naturally occurring spirals expand outward.
Source: Forexoma

See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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