Sunday, August 26, 2012

Send Terminal output to iCloud

Send Terminal output to iCloud: Imagine that you run a script automatically on your Mac, and that you want to check the result of that script. There are many ways you could do this, such as remotely connecting to the Mac, or sending the results by e-mail. But with iCloud, you can also save the output to a file and put it on iCloud, where you can access it with your favorite iCloud-compatible text editor on another Mac, or on an iOS device.

To do so, simply send the output of the script to a file like this:

~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~TextEdit/Documents/filename.txt

So, to save a list of a directory's contents, you'd use this:

ls -al > ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~TextEdit/Documents/list.txt

That saves a file called list.txt in TextEdit's Documents folder. Look inside the ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents folder for the paths to other apps you have that can use iCloud. Each folder in the Mobile ...

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