Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Greasemonkey 1.0 extension for Firefox released

Greasemonkey 1.0 extension for Firefox released:
Greasemonkey is one of the most popular extensions for the Firefox web browser. The add-on makes available a program  that allows Firefox users to run JavaScript code, also known as userscripts, in the browser. These userscripts customize a page’s functionality or layout, for instance by removing advertisements, adding download options or providing additional search filters that would not otherwise be available at all.
Google has built part of the functionality into the Chrome browser, while Firefox users need to install an add-on like Greasemonkey or the Scriptish alternative, before those userscripts can be installed in the Internet browser.
Greasemonkey 1.0 which has been released earlier today is a direct response to the upcoming release of Firefox 15. If you have read the review of the new browser version you know that it ships with add-on memory optimizations that prevent add-ons from leaking memory when they are installed in the browser. Firefox users who noticed an ever increasing memory usage during sessions by the browser may profit the most from the change, as memory releasing has been optimized. The effect should be an average memory utilization way below the Firefox 14 level.
The changes implemented in Firefox 15 have a negative effect on some Greasemonkey scripts who started to leak memory as a consequence. Popular userscripts like YousableTubeFix or Textarea backup with expiry were causing the issues, and it took a while to figure out how to resolve the issue.
greasemonkey 1.0
Today’s Greasemonkey 1.0 release fixes the issue, just in time for the release of Firefox 15 to prevent Firefox users switching to the latest stable version of the browser to experience memory leaks in a version of the browser that was designed to prevent those leaks from happing. If you have Greasemonkey installed and not blocked automatic add-on updates you should have received an update to version 1.0 by now. You can alternatively download the new version of the extension from the official Mozilla Firefox Add-ons repository. (via Nicholas Nethercote)


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