Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why won’t MySQL use the best index in a join?

Why won’t MySQL use the best index in a join?:
Someone recently asked me why the wrong index was being used for a JOIN, making the query run very slowly. We ran EXPLAIN and saw this abridged output:

explain select [columns] from m
left join u on m.intcol = u.intcol and m.url = u.url
where u.url is null\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
select_type: SIMPLE
table: m
type: ALL
rows: 2717
*************************** 2. row ***************************
select_type: SIMPLE
table: u
type: ref
key: idx_intcol
key_len: 2
ref: m.intcol
rows: 64486
Extra: Using where; Not exists

The column is a 2-byte unsigned integer. Here is the relevant part of the table definition:

`intcol` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
`url` varchar(760) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_cs NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `url` (`url`,`intcol`),
KEY `idx_intcol` (`intcol`),

As you can see, the url index looks like it should be a better index for the query, with two columns instead of one. The shortcut I often use to diagnose issues like this is EXPLAIN EXTENDED, followed by SHOW WARNINGS. The resulting warning message is often revealing:

select 1 AS `1` from... on...
(`m`.`url` = convert(`u`.`url` using utf8))))...

Now it’s easy to see that the index can’t be used because of a character set mismatch. The ‘m’ table indeed has a different character set and collation:

`url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL

The easiest solution in this case was to change the ‘m’ table’s definition, because it is a scratch table used as part of an import process.

Further Reading:


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