Sunday, August 26, 2012

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love:

Since last Wednesday's update, we announced Bringing Mention Tagging to Open Graph, and Changes to the App Dashboard. We also covered Third-Party Plugins, Services and SDKS, and World Hack's Kicking Off This Week.

Facebook SDK for iOS Update

Yesterday, we published an update to the Facebook SDK for iOS that you can download here. This update includes bug fixes that improve stability as well as other minor improvements to the SDK. This is a released version of the SDK and is ready for use in your apps.

Sponsored Results API

Sponsored Results is a great way for you to drive more awareness of your app, page or place. We are making an API available for developers to sponsor search results. Please refer to our documentation for more details.

Profile Pictures in Alternate Sizes

In many cases, when displaying Facebook profile pictures, the image needs to fit into a specifically allotted space within the UI. Resizing and scaling the image can be a cumbersome process, often resulting in sub-optimal image quality.

This week, we released updates to our APIs to allow you to retrieve user's profile pictures in varying sizes. Alternate profile picture sizes can be queried via the Graph API and FQL.

To retrieve a profile picture in an alternate size via the Graph API, add the optional width and height fields as URL parameters:

This will return a HTTP 302 redirect to a profile picture with a minimum size of 121x100 while trying to preserve the aspect ratio. You can add the URL parameter redirect=false to retrieve just the URL to the pciture. If width=height then a square picture will always be returned.

You can also query for profile pictures of varying size using FQL:

SELECT url, real_width, real_height
FROM profile_pic
WHERE id=me()
AND width=121
AND height=100

(try this query)

Please see documentation for the Graph API User and Page objects, and the profile_pic for more information.

Upcoming Breaking Changes

As announced in May, the following breaking changes will go into effect on September 5, 2012:

  • Custom actions for reading articles and watching videos must use built-in actions

  • Built-in watch and read actions can only be published after someone engages with the content for 10 or more seconds.

Check out the Developer Roadmap for more info.

Bugs activity between Wednesday, August 15 and Wednesday, August 22

  • 156 bugs were reported

  • 39 bugs were reproducible and accepted (after duplicates removed)

  • 10 bugs were by design

  • 15 bugs were fixed

  • 53 bugs were duplicate, invalid, or need more information

Bugs fixed between Wednesday, August 15 and Wednesday, August 22


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